Reading the Delta’s projects
As part of the Redesigning Deltas movement the Redesigning Deltas Collective is organizing a series of lectures. you are very welcome to join us. (English spoken).
The RDD-Collective is a community of practice that builds knowledge, experience and transferal to new generations and internationally by participating in projects and debate. The aim is to influence the future of deltas, the Netherlands particularly, with the building of a debated design approach and transfer this to policy, new generations and also internationally. One of the projects that the collective is collaborating with is the Sea Level Rise Knowledge Programme of the Delta Programme. In that project three strategies of Deltares were elaborated on by three consortiums of multiple disciplines. Three offices of the collective have been participating in these teams: Seaward (ZUS) Protection (BoschSlabbers) Moving with (DeFacto). The three offices will present the results of the study and elaborate on the design perspective in these approaches.